Hi! Welcome to my Carrd!

Dez Ku who?

Want to check my Socials?

"lets get this over with"


  • How old are you? - classified but i'm an adult.

  • What medium do you use to draw? - Digital.

  • Where are you from? - Philippines.

  • Pronouns? - he/him

  • Sexuality? - aromantic

What's your name?

The name is Dez :]

"there's a pattern to the characters i simp!!"

  • What are your interests right now? - Lego Monkie Kid, Paranormal and Mythology.

  • What is your target audience? - 16 and above.

  • Do you do NSFW (Not Safe For Work)? - kinda? i only do mostly suggestive or slight seggsual content, not really full on NSFW.

  • Do you have NSFW account? - no, but i have patreon.

  • Are your Commissions OPEN? - not anymore.

Dez, says...

sgkbsahghigbhsgsabggawgjibdsgsdghkbsdfgbilsabgisbgbsgsjbdf :^]

What else do you want us to know about you?

  • anxious user

  • coffee lover addict + cat lover

  • speaks both Filipino/Tagalog and English. (i am both bad)

  • beginner in editing and animating.

  • professionally diagnosed with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) + other 4 disorders (so please be open minded)

  • has low social battery.

  • obsessed with paranormal and/or ghost hunting videos, demonology, mythologies and Philippine history.

Want to check my Socials?

Go to Main Page?

Please read these

  • of course basic bounderies and common sense

  • don't ask about my age, all I could say I'm an adult. That's about it.

  • don't joke about "kys", "kms", or "sh" towards me. /srs

  • NEVER mention about "kys", "kms" and "sh" so casually towards me. i hate them. /srs

  • if you don't like what i make or post, please just unfollow or block.

  • DNI (Do Not Interact): homophobic, ableist, bigot, transphobic, disrespectful person, zionists, immature, close minded, and you're the type of person who engages to ANY drama


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